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平均而言,本科学位 带来终生更高的收入 – but they require a significant up-front investment. That’s especially true today since the cost of a bachelor’s degree has nearly 自1980年以来翻了三倍 在通货膨胀. 

Earning your college degree online can be one way to save money on your education, 近年来,在线学位的受欢迎程度和质量都有了显著提高. 然而,你应该知道要注意什么,以确保你得到最好的交易. 



While distance learning has been an option for a long time, 近年来,远程学习的普及程度和质量都发生了巨大变化. 2012年至2019年期间(在2019冠状病毒病大流行之前,远程学习增加了92%), the number of distance-only students at traditional universities had already 增长36%

Just like the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, it also accelerated the shift to remote learning. 在2020年秋天,大约 四分之三的U.S. 大学的学生 是否参加过至少一门远程课程. 这种转变向许多学生表明,在线学习可以和面对面学习一样好,甚至更好. 科技进步, 像高质量的视频会议和同步和异步通信平台, 这意味着在线学生现在可以像面对面的学生一样与他们的同学和教授密切互动. 

说到你的资历, 从认证机构获得的在线学位与亲自获得的学位是一样的. 然而, 当你研究在线课程时, it’s essential to check that any institutions you are considering are accredited, meaning that they’ve met certain standards for quality. 你可以使用U.S. 教育部 Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and 程序s


An online degree doesn’t require physical facilities, so it should be cheaper, right? 不总是.

At some public universities, the per-credit cost of online classes is 实际上高 比面对面的课程要好. 然而, 即使在这些学校, 在线学生可以通过避免支付昂贵的校园食宿等费用,大大节省学费以外的费用. 

造成这种差异的部分原因是,主要提供面对面学习的大学仍然需要支付设施维护和校园编程等费用. Schools like Franklin that focus on hybrid or online-only bachelor’s degrees, 另一方面, don’t carry the costs of maintaining extensive facilities. 因此, 最实惠的在线大学收取的学费比许多同时提供校内和在线学习的学校要低得多. 

“问一下你要支付哪些额外费用,惠特尼·多德说, undergraduate admissions team lead for mg不朽情缘游戏网址. “如果你是一名传统大学的学生,你正在学习在线课程,甚至是面对面和在线课程的结合, but you're not fully immersed in that resident life, are you paying for a lot of programs and facilities you aren’t using?”

When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide


How Much Does It Cost to Get a Bachelor’s Degree 在线?

比如面对面的学位课程, the cost of an online bachelor’s degree varies significantly between institutions. 

在许多大学里, 特别是国家机构, 你可以期望为在线学位支付与你亲自学习相同(或更多)的学费. Currently, the median annual tuition and fees for bachelor’s degrees in the U.S. 是10美元,州内公立大学940美元, $28,240 for an out-of-state public university and $39,私立大学400, 根据 大学委员会. 这些数字仅指学费和杂费,不包括额外费用, 比如房间, 食宿及交通, 这对面对面的学生来说很常见. 

不到一半的本科新生在四年或更短时间内完成学业, meaning that the total cost of a bachelor’s degree can be higher than expected. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址, 本科学生每年的学杂费目前低于公立大学本州学生的中位数, 每学分的费用仅为398美元. +, since online programs offer significant schedule flexibility, 学生可以在学习期间继续工作,不需要支付校内住宿或交通费用. 

How Can You Reduce the Cost of an 在线 College Degree?


1. 申请奖学金和经济援助.

作为一名在线本科生, you are eligible for the same federal student aid as traditional students. 你可以使用联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)申请助学金和贷款。, 一个由美国政府管理的在线申请.S. 教育部.

在线 students are also eligible for many scholarships. Each organization that offers scholarships sets its own criteria, but qualifications often include a solid academic record, 一个特定的生活经历(比如作为一个成年学习者回来完成学位), or membership in a certain group (such as a racial, 种族或宗教团体). 


2. 仔细检查学费 

不同的学校倾向于展示他们的学费, 不同方式的费用和相关费用, which means it can be challenging to make good comparisons between programs. 一定要把所有预期的费用和收费加起来,并比较多个机构,以确保你不会无意中为你作为在线学生无法获得的项目和服务付费.

3. 查看转学学分

If you’ve previously taken any college courses or passed equivalency exams, find out if the schools you’re considering will allow you to transfer those credits. 各大学的政策各不相同,但许多在线学位课程对转学特别友好. mg不朽情缘游戏网址, for example, allows students to 最多可获得94个学分, equivalent to approximately three years of a degree program. 你也可以通过已经完成的专业培训或证书来获得学分, which can help you save money while completing your degree faster. 自2017年以来,mg不朽情缘游戏网址的学生通过……节省了600多万美元 先前学习学分

4. 学习的同时继续工作

Working and studying at the same time isn’t always easy, 但在线学位往往要简单得多,因为它们的课程安排更灵活,而且通常是异步设计的. +, any commutes between school and work are eliminated.

Even if you only earn enough to cover part of your tuition or living expenses, you can significantly reduce the amount of loans required to complete your degree. 


In addition to the opportunity for significant cost savings, 在线学位课程还提供了其他几个优势,使它们非常适合许多学生.

因为你不需要搬到校园,也不需要支付必要的校内住宿,所以你可以在网上学习, you can significantly reduce your housing costs. 同样,你也可以避免支付昂贵的交通费或花时间往返校园.

尤其是对成人学习者, 在线课程更容易适应其他职业和家庭责任. The student bodies of online programs also tend to be more diverse, 有更多有工作的成年人代表. 如果你属于这一类,有相似生活经历的同学会有所帮助. 

The choice between an online and in-person degree depends on your goals, 优先事项和责任. If living on campus and participating in student activities are important to you, 面对面的学位可能更适合你. 如果你想要额外的灵活性和节省成本,在线学位可能是一个更好的选择. 


mg不朽情缘游戏网址 offers more than 30 online bachelor’s degree programs, 哪些使用异步调度尽可能地最大限度地为学生的灵活性.

因为大多数mg不朽情缘试玩的学生都在网上学习, 大学不必为大量校园财产的维护或为学生提供的课程支付费用, 这使得mg不朽情缘试玩可以保持较低的学费,并专注于最重要的事情——学习.

+, Franklin’s tuition guarantee means that as long as you remain enrolled full-time, 你的学费不会增加. 

了解更多关于 学位的成本 在mg不朽情缘试玩. 
