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新的开始既令人兴奋又充满挑战. 这对任何开始下一个人生冒险的人来说都是如此, but the transition from the military back into civilian life comes with unique complexities. This is especially evident when it comes to former service members looking to further or complete their education. For this reason, finding 和 evaluating 老兵大学s should be at the top of your list.

在你寻找的过程中,有很多事情要记住 最适合退伍军人的大学,从专业和时间表到经济援助和职业资源. 一旦你找到了一份似乎符合你需求的竞争者名单, you’ll then want to dig a little deeper to narrow down those options to the best choice for you.

To help you find the right fit, consider these areas as you compare schools 和 programs:

1. 确定你的目标

Jason Howard, assistant director of undergraduate academic advising 和 military & 退伍军人合规 mg不朽情缘游戏网址 他说,退伍军人可能出于多种原因希望重返校园, from career advancement 和 higher earning potential to learning a new skill or acquiring knowledge for personal fulfillment.

想想什么对你来说是重要的. 你想要巩固你的军事训练和经验吗, 或者你有兴趣开始一个全新的职业? Once you have a solid idea of what you’d like to accomplish (和 why) by using your veteran benefits, 你可以开始寻找最好的军事友好型大学和, 最终, 发现一个能帮助你实现目标的人.

2. 寻找适合职业发展的专业

以提供 退伍军人和其他成人学习者的学位 通常重点关注符合当前市场需求的专业. 这是聪明的. 毕竟, you want the benefits you’ve earned to pay off—和 the school wants to see their graduates succeed. 虽然就业市场可能会影响你选择的专业, 你以前的工作经历, 军事训练和个人兴趣也可能影响你的决定.

Howard explains that at mg不朽情缘游戏网址, for instance, 经验丰富的学生 are often drawn to 技术、网络安全业务项目. 这些行业可能不仅自然地吸引了许多退伍军人, but they are also fields where employment is expected to grow faster than the average occupations.

例如,根据美国的报告.S. 劳工部, the dem和 for information security analysts is expected to grow 28 percent through 2026; anything higher than 15 percent is considered “much faster” than the average occupation, 哪个会增长5%到9%. 在同一时期, 对网络开发人员的需求将增长15%, 而且比平均水平“快得多”. 在商业方面, 到2026年,会计师将增长约10%, 也快于一般职业. 其他职位, from human resources specialists 和 budget analysts to computer support representatives 和 database administrators are all on the rise.

劳动部网站, 还有你们当地的就业中心, 可能是一个有用的地方,可以研究你所在地区的需求. You can also learn how these fields may match available majors 和 programs at on-campus or online schools for veterans.

无论你是跟随职业趋势还是跟随自己的内心, 一旦你有了想要考虑的专业, 你离找到最适合你的退伍军人友好大学又近了一步.

回到学校? Don't leave without downloading our free field guide full of tips to your maximize your military or veteran benefits.

3. 评估程序的灵活性和便利性

如果你和很多老兵一样, 你可能还有其他的义务, 比如工作, 家庭和社会责任. A 老兵大学 能理解像你这样忙碌的成人学习者的需求吗, 这意味着以灵活方便的形式提供课程.

这可能意味着每周在校园开一次夜校, 或者周末的节目. This may even mean a school for veterans with satellite locations closer to your home, 这样你就不用花那么多时间去上课了, 反过来, 减少你的时间承诺.

更好的是, maybe you’re looking to hone your school search into something more convenient, 比如最好的退伍军人在线大学. 许多学校,如mg不朽情缘游戏网址,也提供校内课程 100%的在线学位课程 这与他们传统课程的质量相当. 对于主动学习的学生来说,在线课程提供了极大的灵活性. 虽然你仍然有截止日期和可能的在线讨论, 你可以在自己的时间里工作. 必须准时到教室的压力, 在一段固定的时间内, 当你是在线学生时就会被删除吗.

最后,总体时间表也很重要. Many adult-friendly degree programs allow you take one course at a time over a shorter term. This accelerated approach gives you more focus than a traditional semester of multiple daytime classes over the course of 3-4 months.

Choosing a school is more than just finding a schedule 和 location that’s right for you. 这也与合适的氛围有关. 对于一个经验丰富的学生来说,知道他们会在课堂上上课是非常让人放心的, 要么在网上,要么亲自去, 和其他成人学习者. 例如,在mg不朽情缘游戏网址,学生的平均年龄是34岁. 这个年龄范围也意味着学生们可以互相学习.

“The background of our 经验丰富的学生 really adds to the diversity of the classroom,霍华德解释道。. “引入不同的视角是有价值的, 每个人可能都有不同的大学之路, 这给学习环境增加了一些东西.”

4. 寻求强有力的学术支持 & 职业生涯资源

The 最适合退伍军人的大学 keep the transition from military service to civilian life in mind when building their programs. 在你的搜索中, 询问学校提供哪些额外帮助的服务, 甚至是专门设计的, 经验丰富的学生.

成人学习者通常与传统大学生有不同的需求. 例如, many veterans may be attending college for the first time—or for the first time in many years. 知道你可以获得学习资源, 比如辅导或写作协助, 能带来心灵的平静吗. Likewise, as you move from student to graduate, will your school help prepare you for the job hunt? 面试? 他们是否与对退伍军人友好的雇主建立了关系?

mg不朽情缘游戏网址军事和退伍军人事务办公室例如,它为老学生提供专门的一站式服务. 住在学术咨询部门, this office helps connect those who’ve served in the military to the campus services they need.

5. 确保大学有军事福利专业知识

Perhaps one of the most important factors in your search is how a particular school can help maximize your veterans benefits for college. 取决于你服役的时间和地点, 能维持多久, 你可能有资格参加一系列的教育项目, 比如9/11后的退伍军人法案®. It’s important to speak with someone who has a thorough underst和ing of these benefits 和 who also can take the time to explain how they may apply to your unique situation. Like most veteran-friendly schools, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has expertise in this area.

“We work with our students to help them maximize their VA benefits in the most advantageous way,霍华德说。, mg不朽情缘试玩顾问办公室的.

6. 询问转学分政策

除了参加像《mg不朽情缘游戏网址》这样的项目, another way to save on tuition 和 expenses is to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete the degree.

Howard explains that veteran-friendly schools, such as mg不朽情缘游戏网址, often have a 慷慨的转帐信贷政策. This can mean reviewing prior college transcripts to see what requirements may have already been fulfilled. 而且,对资深学生来说更独特的是,这也意味着探索 军训经历 看看什么可以等同于必修课或选修课. 这取决于你自己的背景和你想要的学位, 通过为你的服务获得信用,你可以节省大量的时间和金钱.

7. 找到最适合你的

总之, the 最适合退伍军人的大学 will have paid close attention to the factors we considered here: available majors that meet market dem和, 专门的支持服务, 灵活方便的课程设置, 了解你的军事教育的好处.

除了以上这些,这也和你是否适合自己有关. 和人们交谈. 如果你打算去学校上课,那就去学校. 你在那里感觉怎么样? 社区是什么样的? If it’s an online program, will it offer a way for you to connect with your peers?

做好调查. 想想什么对你来说是重要的, what’s a must-have 和 what’s a nice-to-have. 缩小你的选择范围, 然后自信地做出你一直在等待的改变人生的决定!

Maximize your military benefits with helpful checklists 和 step-by-step instructions.