
雷蒙德·E. 梅森,小. 领导研讨会

雷蒙德·E. 梅森小., 领导研讨会 was established in 2003 with the support of the 雷蒙德·E. 梅森基金会, which continued its support in 2007 by generously creating a permanent endowment providing funds for this annual event. 雷蒙德·E. 梅森小., 领导研讨会 is designed to raise the level of leadership in business, 非营利组织, government and educational institutions throughout central Ohio.

The Symposium's intent is to act as a catalyst for organizations and individuals to launch and sustain long-term commitment toward developing leadership skills and leaders within various communities. Each year the Symposium has taken on a unique character of its own. From national speakers to regional presentations, to local expertise being put on display, the Symposium has never failed to deliver poignant and relevant lessons for leadership development. This success has led many to provide testimony of the enhancement to their professional development as a result of the "pearls of wisdom" gleamed from the years of attending the 梅森领导研讨会.


2024雷蒙德E. 梅森,小. 领导研讨会 will be held virtually over three days, 周二, 9月17日-星期四, 9月19日, 从11点开始.m. 到2点.m. (美国东部时间) 

今年研讨会的主题是“Cultivating Leaders who are Courageous, Focused, Resilient, and Innovative.作为一个领导者, we are faced with challenges and opportunities in this rapidly changing and complex world. Enhancing your ability to act with courage, 保持专注, 从逆境中振作起来, and generate innovative solutions are four core competencies that are essential for effective and sustainable leadership. This year’s Mason Symposium will serve as a catalyst for organizations and individuals to launch and sustain long-term commitment toward developing both leadership skills and leaders. 

符合主题, the Symposium welcomes you the opportunity to submit your proposal to participate in the event with a 25-minute live session presentation. Your topic should support this year’s theme, the creation and sharing of knowledge and innovative leadership practices that align with the mission of the mg不朽情缘游戏网址 Leadership Center.  

使命宣言:  The mg不朽情缘游戏网址 Leadership Center inspires the creation and sharing of knowledge and innovative leadership practices through advanced teaching and transformative learning experiences in our dynamic, 瞬息万变的全球社会. 

Some possible topics that align with the theme of the Symposium are: 

or any other topic that relates to the theme and supports excellence in leadership. 

The sessions we be spread out throughout the three days of the symposium, more information on available times will be sent after proposal acceptance.

Please click on the link below to submit your proposal. 


The deadline for submission is June 30, 2024. Individuals who submit proposals should receive a reply the week of July 8, 2024 with notification of the committee’s decision regarding your submission with further guidance/instruction.  

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Jeni Cooke at jeni.cooke@bikinganteng.com

2024雷蒙德·E. 梅森,小. 领导研讨会


2023 "Leading the Way, Creating a Thriving Future"


  • 克里斯·诺兰 - multiple Emmy Award-winning director, 创意总监, 市场营销战略, 品牌故事专家, 作家, 作曲家, 剧作家、作家
  • 拉钱德拉·"拉"·贝克  -创始人LaChandra B. 贝克教育娱乐有限责任公司
  • 法里斯Alami  - ISM创始人兼首席执行官

2022 "The Future Flexibility of Work"


  • 克里斯汀哈珀 - Founder and CEO of Driven to Succeed LLC
  • 黛安·弗林德斯 – VP Sales, King Business Interiors
  • Dr. Fady Fadel - - - - - -迪恩 & CAO, The American Business School, Paris
  • Dr. 雷•福布斯 – Program Chair, Business Psychology Program, Franklin Unversity
  • 珍妮的月亮 – Executive Coach, Workforce Change



  • 亚伦Dignan ——The Ready的创始人, a global organizational transformation and coaching practice, 杂音, a SaaS startup and Author of two books, 游戏框架和全新作品, as well as the co-host of the Brave New Work podcast. 
  • 凯文·卡西迪 - Director and Representative to the Bretton Woods, Multilateral Organizations for the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for the United States and Canada.
  • 戴夫·福捷 - Executive director for the One World Strong Foundation




雷蒙德·E. 梅森,小. 领导研讨会 was established in 2003 with the support of the 雷蒙德·E. 梅森基金会. 与它同名的雷蒙德. 梅森小., was a community philanthropist known respectfully as “the General” for his military service. After he graduated from The Ohio State University in 1941, Mason served in World War II in the European theater with the Fourth Armored Division of Gen. 乔治年代. 巴顿的第三集团军. Mason was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, as well as a number of other citations.

在为国家服务之后, 梅森也为他的社区服务, devoting his efforts to helping to provide higher-education opportunities for young people in the Appalachian areas of Ohio and Kentucky. This commitment extended locally through his service as a past chairman of the mg不朽情缘游戏网址 Board of Trustees and founder of the Ohio Historical Foundation. He served on the Columbus Symphony board of trustees and was a past president of the Central Ohio Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Mason founded the Columbus Truck and Equipment Co. in 1949.